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更新时间:2025-03-24 22:52:49

tae kwon do

英 [ˌtaɪ ˌkwɒn ˈdəʊ]

美 [ˌtaɪ ˌkwɑ:n ˈdoʊ]


  • 英英释义

tae kwon do的意思


1. a Korean martial art similar to karate

Synonym: taekwondo

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Uses the literature summary law and the interview law conducts the research to in the Tae Kwon Do actual combat rhythm and the rhythm application.(文章采用文献资料法和访谈法对跆拳道实战中的节奏及节奏的应用进行研究。)
Other. Practicing the drum for 20 minutes, 20 minutes of tae kwon do.(其它。练习架子鼓20分钟,打跆拳道20分钟。)
She has a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do.(她是跆拳道黑带。)
Tae Kwon Do makes me aggressive in reaching my goals with focus and integrity.(跆拳道培养了我的毅力来一鼓作气地达到我的目标。)
Taekwondo is my favorite, I began to learn tae kwon do in the kindergarten.(我最喜欢跆拳道,从幼儿园我就开始学跆拳道了。)
Some sports have been added only recently, such as tae kwon do, which was first included in the Olympics in 2000.(有些项目只是最近才得以补充进入奥运会比赛,比如跆拳道就是这样,该项目是2000年才首次列入奥运会的。)
We wish using the interval training can promote the technique and specific physical fitness on the player of Tae Kwon Do.(运用间歇训练法的特性实际融入跆拳道的训练中,以冀提升跆拳选手的专项体能及技术水平。)
The full slate of lessons (chess, tae kwon do, Chinese, you name it) and homework beginning in the earliest grades.(孩子们往往很早就被排满了课程(国际象棋,跆拳道,中文,凡事你能想到的)还有很多的家庭作业。)
Tae Kwon Do movement is a movement advocating technology and etiquette, ethics, self-cultivation of the sport.(跆拳道运动是一项崇尚动作技术、礼仪、道德相结合的体育项目。)
Data indicates tae kwon do fighters react in only 0 . 18 seconds - nearly twice as fast as the blink of a human eye.(一名跆拳道选手的反应时间只有0。18秒,差不多是人类眨一次眼所需时间的一半。)
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